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Celeste River

Celeste River

The Celeste river is located in the Guatuso canton of Alajuela, in the Tenorio Volcano National Park.

How to get:
For independent tourists the best way to get there is to take a bus in San José to Ciudad Quesada and from there take another bus to Guatuso, from where you take a taxi to Celeste river. Another way to get there is from San José until you reach La Fortuna de San Carlos and from there to Upala reaching the street that leads to Pilón de Bijagua. From this street to Celeste river it takes an hour and a half. You can also buy a tour.

 Why go?:
A unique place of great natural beauty. Celeste river owes its name to the fact that the color of its waters is milky turquoise that results from a chemical reaction, where the Buena Vista and Roble rivers converge, which have different chemical characteristics, which is why they create color. This place is known as “Teñidero” and is hidden in the middle of the characteristic rain forest of the area. From this point on, the river, with its almost dreamlike color, flows through the forest without losing its coloration even in the vicinity of its waterfall.

In the place you can see the blue flow surrounded by fumaroles, stones and streams. The river waters are rich in minerals, as well as volcanic materials such as copper sulfate and sulfur, which make the water take on a crystalline color very similar to the color of the sky.

The river water is thermal of volcanic origin, which will allow you to spend a moment in an environment of natural relaxation, while applying a little volcanic mud, which will make you feel younger, later on the road is the Celeste river waterfall, the waterfall waters a pool where you can bathe. The Celeste river walking tour is made through the tropical forest where you can see the flora and fauna that this beautiful place in northern Costa Rica offers.

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